Buddha said: There are twenty difficult things in the world, viz.,
貧窮布施難 being poor, to be charitable
豪貴學道難 being rich and noble, to learn supreme wisdom
棄命必死難 to disregard their lives for the Truthful-Way
得覩佛經難 to gain sight of the Buddhist scriptures
生值佛世難 to be born at the same time with a Buddha
忍色忍欲難 to repress lust and banish desire
見好不求難 to have perceived something desirable and not covet it
被辱不瞋難 not to be angry when insulted
有勢不臨難 having power, not to be supercilious
觸事無心難 to contact with things without clinging on them
廣學博究難 to be vastly learned and broadly knowledgeable
除滅我慢難 to get rid of pride
不輕未學難 not to despise the ignorant
心行平等難 to be equal to all creatures in mind
不說是非難 not to gossip
會善知識難 to encounter a genuine guru
見性學道難 to witness Original Nature in practicing the Truthful-Way
隨化度人難 to enlighten sentient beings according to their potentials
睹境不動難 to see a state and not be moved by it
善解方便難 to comprehend the expedite means of Dharma and put them to use